This is a day to reflect and meditate. Remember we all have a ministry and every believer should be ministering in some God given capacity.. We should be reaching others always . Do people recognize the Son of God through the life we live. If we were followed through a month, week or year, what would others know about us. We speak about God but does our life reflect Him, we say that we know Him, does it show?. Makes you think. Do we portray a picture of the world more through our life or do we actively portray God.
Are we meditators of His word. Is His word what we spue out of our mouths? What are our thoughts,do they line up with His word? What about our friends are they servants of the Most High? We can’t choose our families but we do choose what we do around them. They should know who we serve. Does God truly come first or do we allow Him to only show up in certain places.? Today is a day of reflection. Who are we , and who do we represent ? Are we governed by the word of God or the godlessness of this world?